“Just A Closer Walk With Thee” has been recorded by many different artists through the years. A man named Morris heard a station porter singing at a train stop and the song made such an impression on him that he wrote down the words and music, with a few additions of his own, and published the song in 1940. It is unknown where the song actually originated from. Many feel it is was an African American spiritual that was compiled from various works and renditions. Notably, in 1885, Fanny Crosby wrote and published a song that displays some similarities in the chorus titled, “Closer Walk With Thee”. Despite speculation of its true beginnings, it is still one of the most beloved inspirational/gospel hymns today. Please join The Inspiration Singers in our own unique version of “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”.
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Wow! Beautiful!!!! I never get tired of this song.
I agree!
Love this song, and hearing these girls sing it! Great message! Nice musical arrangement, as well!
Really love this song. Great arrangement!
Wow! Such feeling and emotion in this song. Truly inspiring. Thank you so much! ❤
I love the message of this song.
I absolutely love this version of “Just a Closer walk”, beautifully done and so heartfelt!
What a beautiful heart touching song! What we all want to strive for! Thank you so much for sharing this!
This is such a beautiful version of a beautiful song <3 <3 <3
Beautiful! I could listen to this song all day. Thank you for posting this.
Amazing job on this wonderful song!!Can feel it coming from your hearts! Thanks for sharing it!!
The voices and harmony on this song are just beautiful, and I love the comfort found from the words!
Beautiful song; beautifully done.
This is soooo beautiful!
Such a beautiful song and a beautiful rendition. Thanks for sharing <3
What a beautiful song! Wonderful harmonies very touching words. Very inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing this!
Great Job, A very beautiful sung song
just a closer walk is one of my favorite songs and they do it great !!!
My beautiful 24K Gold Music friends
Love that version of such a beautiful song.