Long before we were inspired to begin work on our website, Inspire4.com, we shared a goal to bring joy and encouragement to our fellow man. We are a group of people who have worked on many projects together. We call ourselves the Church of God Bible Study Center (COGBSCI) and are a licensed, non-profit corporation based in Florida. Our pastor, of over 40 years, has always been at the helm of these projects.
Early on, we began a booklet ministry using Bible Studies transcribed from preached messages. Copies were printed, hand collated, and distributed far and wide. Because our burden is far reaching, many of our team members took our booklets to other countries and distributed them.
When the Internet and home computers were just catching on, we joined our efforts and launched a Bible BBS (Bible Bulletin Board System), filled with many hours of Bible Studies, using our growing list of transcribed messages.
Our pastor, being a very talented singer and musician, inspired many of his friends and family to develop a wide range of vocal and musical talents. This led to sharing our music with many thousands of people through the years.
Now, our most recent endeavor, the Inspire4.com website, is the perfect direction for us, as it brings together many things that we have been working on for years. Once again, our entire team works together on the many phases necessary to produce the materials on Inspire4.com, such as filming, photography, 3D animating, video editing, costuming, set and prop production, acting, vocal and musical contributions, writing, editing, transcribing, and much more. Many hours have been put into producing each and every video, song, and study.
Our purpose is to supply family-rated music and truth-filled Bible studies based on the ‘evening light’ of the gospel day… Studies that delve into the Bible itself rather than into denominational creeds. We have no denomination to ‘back’ or ‘prove’, so our productions often offer a different view of the Bible from what most people experience in their lives. We believe in letting the Bible prove itself! We don’t attempt to get people to ‘join up’ with us… nor do we push ANY denomination or religious movement. Our emphasis is to help people along in their pathway of life, and especially in their study of the Holy Bible!