Walk A Mile In My Shoes – Inspirational Singers

Joe South, an American singer-songwriter and guitarist, wrote, produced and arranged the song “Walk a Mile in My Shoes” in 1970. Elvis also sang the song in his 1970’s concerts.

The focus of the song was to instill compassion, understanding, and tolerance for our fellow mankind. The Inspiration Singers take this message another step further. They rewrote the words to have a meaning for us in our spiritual walk with our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Oh when we walk along life’s pathway nothing else matters, except this view from Jesus’ eyes and what He sees, oh yes!
So when you, yes you, and I we see each other, we need to look at one another down our knees, oh yes!
Well in the Bible, so many times, we see the stories, where people judge by what they hear or what they see, oh yes
The Bible shows us how very evil are such actions, they can destroy us to live forever in misery, oh yes!
We all know people who in their lifetime have lots of problems and brother there but for God’s grace, go you and I, oh yes,
And if I only had the wings of a soaring eagle, don’t you know I’d fly to the top of a mountain and then I would cry, cry, cry…

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