Sing-A-Long Junior Choir Chorus – PRAISE HIM

Join in singing with our “Sing-A-Long Choir” as they sing the classic children’s hymn, Praise Him, Praise Him! The catchy tune is easy to follow and the words are simple and easy to remember. Our version features four verses, Praise Him, Love Him, Thank Him, and Serve Him. There is very little known about the beginning of this song, and the author is listed as unknown to us today. It began to be published in hymnals in the late 1800’s. Children of all ages have enjoyed singing this song for many years.

Our “Sing-A-Long Choir” consists of kids of all ages and even a few that are older but are still kids at heart! Most of them began singing together when they were very young and have a heartfelt burden to sing these songs of praise to our Lord. So please join us as the “Sing-A-Long Choir” presents this enthusiastic version of “Praise Him, Praise Him”!

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