He Touched Me! It is such a wonderful thing being touched by our Heavenly Father and His Son. The greatest touch known to mankind is when we are truly touched with salvation. But it does not stop there. Each and every time He supplies our needs, we are touched by Him. We can anticipate the next time that we will be touched with anticipation strong enough to give us chills from the excitement! His ‘touch” is truly amazing.
This Southern Gospel classic was written by Bill Gaither in 1963. Bill has said that this was the 54th song that he had written. It turns out this was the song that helped launch his career to a higher level. Bill was on his way home from a revival meeting with his friend and the speaker of that evening’s meeting, Dr. Dale Oldham. Dr. Oldham suggested to Bill that he write the song honoring the special touch from above. He even suggested the phrase, “He touched me oh, He touched me”. That very same night Bill sat and wrote the song. The next day he sang and played it for his newlywed wife, Gloria. She offered a few revisions, and a classic was born. Bill gave the song to Dr. Oldham’s son Doug, and two weeks later Doug recorded it. A few months later The Gaither Trio did their recording. This beloved hymn has been recorded by many of the biggest artists of the 1960’s and 1970’s. The most acclaimed was Elvis’s 1972 Grammy award winning Gospel album in which he used, “He Touched Me”, as the cover song.
Please join us as we share the Inspiration Quartet’s version of “He Touched Me”.
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I could listen to this one over and over. Powerful words and delivery that touch my heart every time.