God Makes A Way (When There Is No Way) – sing-along song – Junior Choir

If you need cheering up, just give a listen to the sing-along-junior choir as they put their all into this lively tune. Truly – God Makes a Way When There Is No Way. Linvel Arington, the author, wrote very inspiring words when he penned this song. He has gone on to his reward but the song still rings true – we can depend on God making a way for us, if we just trust and obey Him.

God has made a way for His children as they have gone on to meet Him. He takes away the pain and suffering of this life as they rest safe in the arms of Jesus. We can be so thankful to Jesus for the way He has walked before us and prepared a way for us to gain victory over death and live with peace and joy in this world of sorrows and trouble.

Some of our team members were fortunate enough to meet and work with Linvel Arrington many years ago. We would like to dedicate this song in memory of all of the wonderful children of God that have lived their lives to be an example for us as we journey through this life.

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