Sing-A-Long Junior Choir Chorus – GIVE ME OIL IN MY LAMP

The author of the children’s song, “Give Me Oil In My Lamp”, is unknown to us today. The song came to the world at a time when many Christian people would write their songs and music simply for the purpose of being a help to others. They did not ask, or take credit, for their work, as they felt helping others learn of our wonderful Savior was credit enough. This song takes the thought from the parable of the 10 virgins and sets it to a catchy tune for all to enjoy. Because this song has been handed down for many generations there are many verses and versions. On our version, we again use words that Jesus used as he was calling his disciples and told them he would make them fishers of men. The chorus of “Sing Hosana” is included as an uplifting reminder that all praise is due to our Heavenly Father.

We are very happy to present our children and young adults as they sing, “Give Me Oil In My Lamp”.

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