Count Your Blessings – sing-along song – Junior Choir

“Count Your Blessings”, was written in 1897 by Johnson Oatman, Jr. who was born in Lumberton, N.J. Shadowed by his father’s extraordinary ability to sing, he wanted to make some musical contributions of his own. At age 36, he realized that he could write songs for other Christians to sing. He eventually had written the lyrics for 5,000 songs.

There are many times in our lives that we either give or receive advice. No matter which end of that advice you find yourself on, not much will be as good as the reminder here in this song, “Count Your Blessings”. Counting one’s blessings and singing praise to the Heavenly Father can be very uplifting and encouraging!

We invite you to “Count Your Blessings” as the sing-a-long choir puts their all into this wonderful old hymn.

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